Peggy has expressed her creativity in many ways since young. Music, dance and sewing were a major part of her growing up years, yet she always wanted to paint. She transferred to KU in 1975, graduated, married and raised her children in Lawrence, KS. She and her husband, Larry, now reside in Texas.
She worked for a local water color artist for many years yet never tried painting for herself. In 2008 she divinely came across a sketch she had done of her “brother’s mind” when she was in a junior high school art class in Southern California. She never took another art class throughout her school years or in adulthood. However, always desiring to paint and finding this sketch was the kick she needed to pursue art. After taking various classes at the local art center she made the decision to focus on painting. For her, this has been a growing process, releasing a renewed love of the arts and a gratefulness to God for His faithful “nudging”.